thinking girl

Overthinking is simply act of thinking about something too long or too deep.

Do you spend a lot of time worrying about things you have no control over?

Do you find it difficult to let thing go and constantly relive your mistake?

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the hidden meaning of what people say or event that happen?

      All this caused by the single emotion that is FEAR. Fear of what happen in future. While all you focus on is negative thought. while we think few think once in a while, overthinkers spend most of the time ruminating it.

Trauma, stress and anxiety are very common cause of overthinking. some other causes are like- social distancing and perfectionist or obsessive tendencies, as well as those who struggle to gain control even in the middle of chaotic, uncontrollable situations could also find themselves spiraling fast.

So here are some ways to for you to stop overthinking.

Take deep breaths

you have heard It many times because it works. So next time you find yourself tossing and turning over thought just take deep breaths.

Do something nice for someone else

try to ease the load for someone else. Realizing you have power to make someone’s day better can keep negative thought at bay.

Find a distraction

It shut down overthinking by involving yourself in activity you enjoy. Like,

  1. Playing basketball
  2. Cooking new dishes
  3. Workout
  4. Volunteering in local organization
Acknowledge your success

When you are in the midst of overthinking, take out your notebook and write down you have done over a past week and your role in them. When you look at it on the paper you might be surprised that how these little thing add up.

Ask for help

You don’t have to do it alone. seek outside help from a qualified therapist can help you develop new tools for working through your thoughts and even change your mind set.

Through exercise

Exercise first thing in the morning or late evening is best, because these are time when most stress occurs.

  1. Cardiovascular exercise:

Start walking up the hills.

Add weight to your ankles.

keep walking for 30-45 minutes.

Use dumbbells or wrist strap to get your heart rate up.

Treadmills; put on your favorite music to distract your mind from worthless thoughts.

Cycling is always your option.

  • Progressive muscle relaxation:

Start with your right foot.

Squeeze it tightly for 10 seconds then relax.

Continue with your left foot.

Don’t forget to breath deeply.

  • Shake your head side to side (gentle shaking)

Focus on brain’s central part down to your spine.

  • Make a fist with thumb on index finger.

From pinky finger side gently hit on novel (which is energy site).

Bring your attention to your novel.

Close your eyes and keep gently shake your head.

  • Bring your palm together (don’t join)

Tap the tips of finger together.

Close your eyes and focus on sensation on your finger tips.

Keep doing it for 30 seconds

Now relax your hands and shake it side to side.

  • Sit with hips press to the ground

Keep your hands on your knees with palm up.

Inhale deeply.

Bend forward and exhale.

Repeat it for 5-6 times.

Through yoga

Overthinking has negative effect on your mind. Yoga is treatment of everything. When overthinking get the best of you, it is scientifically prove that yoga is very effective way to keep your mind calm and your thoughts at bay.

Here are Some of yojanas that will help you to keep the negative thoughts away from your mind.

Sun salutation

sun salutation helps in overthinking

Camel pose

camel pose help in overthinking

Child pose

child pose help in overthinking

Eagle pose

eagle pose helps in overthinking


  1. https://www.doctormotley.com/blogs/excelify/racing-thoughts-using-exercise-to-stop overthinking 2. 2.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjCdGdgx2OU





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