The Unexplained Truth and Treatment of Insomnia

The Unexplained Truth and Treatment of Insomnia
The Unexplained Truth and Treatment of Insomnia
The Unexplained Truth and Treatment of Insomnia

The Unexplained Truth and Treatment of Insomnia. To fight back the slepless nights that you experience beacuse of Insomnia you need to what first what, how and why does it emerge.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is one of the most commonly reported sleep problems that people rack with. It is a sleep disorder that can cause difficulty in falling or staying asleep

Each person’s requirement for sleep is distinct and hence the sleep cycle differs. Good and sound sleep depends on the quality of the sleep and how refreshed one feels after waking up from the sleep, not on the ‘number of hours’ or how quickly one dozes off to sleep. For instance, if you’re sleeping 7-8 hours every night, but you wake up feeling unrefreshed and are drained out throughout the day, there are chances that you may be enduring insomnia.

Insomnia not only wrecks the sleep cycle of a person but can hamper his/her health and lifestyle as well. Insomnia can leave one’s personal and social life in tatters.

Keep reading to gain more understanding about insomnia and its symptoms, types, causes, and treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Insomnia?

What are the types of Insomnia?

Insomnia can be categorized into two types- Primary Insomnia and Secondary Insomnia.

Primary Insomnia: In this type of insomnia, sleep problems aren’t associated with any health-related conditions but other factors that evoke emotional distress. It can persist for a short span of time (1 night to a few weeks).

Secondary insomnia: In this type of insomnia, sleep problems are associated with health-related conditions, psychological issues, side-effects of medications, substance use, etc. It can persist for a long span of time (a few months or years) 

The Unexplained Truth and Treatment of Insomnia

Causes of Insomnia.

The causes of primary insomnia are listed below:

Major life-changing events: losing a loved one, losing a job, break up, divorce,    moving to a new place.

  • Environmental disturbances: temperature, noise, odor, light, pollution.
  • Daily regime: Hectic daily routine, work schedule, traveling.
  • Misfit habits: Taking naps anytime, overthinking, worrying about sleep.
Multiethnic group of sleepy people women men yawning looking bored

The causes of secondary insomnia are listed below:

  • Psychological conditions: Problems related to mental health like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other psychological disorders.
  • Neurological conditions: Diseases like epilepsy, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and other neurological disorders.
  • Respiratory conditions: Ailments like asthma, lung infection, allergies, and other breathing-related disorders.
  • Chronic health conditions: Diseases such as cancer, thyroid, diabetes, arthritis, migraine, blood pressure, bladder issues, and other long term diseases.
  • Sleep problems:  Major disorders related to sleep like narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, nightmare disorder.
  • Medication: Prescribed drugs, medications, tonics, pain relievers, contraceptives.
  • Beverage intake: Alcohol, caffeine, aerated drinks, tobacco.

Other conditions: Menopause, pregnancy, aging, irregular sleep-wake cycle, etc.

What are the Treatments for coping with Insomnia?

Getting a night of sound sleep is very important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Insomnia can cripple physical as well as mental health causing devastation. 

Below mentioned ways of treatment can help in addressing problems associated with insomnia and eliminate the same-

Simple set of outline icons about healthy lifestyle
  • Seek help from a specialist: You can seek help from a professional counselor or psychologist to address the problem of insomnia. The psychologist may facilitate in understanding the underlying cause of insomnia which is causing distress.
  • Therapy: Treating insomnia with the help of therapy can prove to be effective and beneficial. Therapy like Cognitive behavioral therapy can help in managing and alleviating negative thoughts and actions causing trouble in the sleep cycle.
  • Prescribed medications: Doctors may prescribe medications for insomnia that can help in getting sound sleep. They may prescribe sleeping medications for a short span of time to a person combating insomnia as long-term use of sleeping pills can take a toll on the person’s physical as well as mental health causing more distress. 
  • Other Alternatives: Some other methods that may help in taking arms against insomnia are as enlisted below:
  • Yoga 
  • Meditation
  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture

Above mentioned treatments can help in coping with insomnia and improve sleep quality.

  • Handy Tips

You can muddle through sleepless nights with some easy-peasy changes in your routine and habits. Here are some handy tips for coping with

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