10 Unbelievable Gloomy Impact of Lockdown on one’s Mind.

Impact of Lockdown on one's mind

Lockdown, quarantine, isolation we all are kind of familiar with these terms. There is none unfamiliar with it. Well, all thanks to covid-19…

What do you think about lockdown?

We all have our own views on lockdown. Some of us were happy as we will be able to stay indoors. Some were neutral and some kind of had negative views for it. As time flew by and we stayed indoors more our perspectives changed a lot. Even those who were fine staying within their four walls were getting bored and wanted to go out, have some life.

Diffrent views of people for lockdown, in same room.

Not only this many of us actually went out when it was not allowed and got quite a good spanking by police. Well, I never tried this but most of you did, I can bet my chocolate on it. It was fun, some of it at least.

Most of us must have noticed since this lockdown our behavior is changed. We tend to have lots of mood swings on the tiniest matter. Again thanks to Covid-19, no actual lockdown.

When I was reading this topic the other day, each news article and many other findings showed that in this quarantine many psychological stress and disorders like

1.Low mood,


3.Stress level,




7.Emotional breakdown,


9.Suicidal tendency,

10. PTSD [Post-traumatic stress disorder].

Even many cases of suicide can be heard on a daily basis be it be a known celeb or an unknown person. Actually, lockdown took many major tolls on us psychologically knowingly, or unknowingly. 

What is happening with students’ brains?

Stress of lockdown.

When we talk about students they already have stress of studies so it is necessary for them to go hangout for some time because as we got out mostly we get positive energy but students got stuck indoors with online classes that makes it even worse. As many of us are not habitual of this closure.

These inexorable experiences lead to stress, anxiety, the overall feeling of helplessness and can lead to emotional and mental breakdowns as it gives a feeling of uncertainty. Many students have suicidal tendencies due to this as they can not understand what is happening and what to do and some are in depression. Then again staying with family and listening to their taunts is not an easy thing. Trust me I am there with you.

What about those cute kids? 

lockdown impact on kids.

It is saddening to say but yes lockdown can and had taken its toll on them too. In the age criteria they are most of the mental development. We all will agree that when we were kids we were most creative, but when kept confined within the space can have an impact on their development. 

They do understand about this pandemic and what it could do to us. In one of the preliminary studies during the on-going pandemic, it was found younger children (3-6years old) were more likely to manifest symptoms of clinginess and the fear of family members being infected. Even an unborn gets stressed with its mother, that’s why pregnant women are told to be happy and don’t stress.

Lockdown impact on aged people.

Even when we talk about our grandparents they are habitual of going out meeting their laughter club committee and have morning or evening coffee with them. I guess they must be a group of people who hated this lockdown the most.

They have most of the leisure time and during this lockdown, they did not know where to spend it. Then again we aren’t free to give them time and that all leads them to isolation and we all know what isolation can do, have a great impact on our emotions, and can even lead to depression.

What about the working class?

Impact of Lockdown on working class

Working from home, again a new term, well not new but now in “trend” we can say, is also a very good reason to increase in mood swings of working people. That’s because they have to handle workload and then their spouse’s mood swings (Ya! Gocha) it’s nothing new but due to staying inside those same four walls the small argument turns into WWE’s match.

An office is not just a physical space. It’s a place where we meet people, share relationships be it on a professional font, share food, gossip, even our good times and bad times. It gives an escape space. There are interactions with team members, be it brainstorming sessions, tea breaks, secret talks about the bosses, that give work the kind of importance that it has. For all are we now going to video call them ? No we generally won’t.

Due to lockdown they are constantly working, the pressure is always on and then there’s the pressure of home responsibilities, also there is a fear of job loss, salary cuts, and unemployment to indebtedness, and that’s not good psychologically.

Now the one profession that is most under stress

Ain’t that hard to guess, is it ?

Yes, that’s medical; our doctors and nurses. They are literally under loads of stress. Doctors and nurses do not have the luxury of holding themselves up in their homes to protect themselves from the outbreak. They must get up every day and go to work knowing very well that they must expose themselves to risk. A lot of them have voluntarily separated themselves from their families to keep them safe. 

Impact of lockdown on medical profession

Many doctors are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other psychological distress. Nurses also have severe symptoms of psychological distress, as they mostly engage in giving emotional labor, like reassuring patients while keeping their own emotions in check.

Tips to overcome it

To overcome all this stress, anxiety, and other psychological problems during this lockdown we can cut our me-time a bit and spend some time with family as well. Also, can plan a movie date with the whole family, interact with some of our friends and relatives frequently through video calls obviously if it’s complete lockdown don’t go out. Reduce exposure to news and media related to stressful articles. Do some relaxation, yoga, and meditation but moreover, be positive and happy.

Thank you.

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