9 Incredible Diagnoses of Learning Disabilities in Children

9 Incredible Diagnoses of Learning Disabilities in Children
9 Incredible Diagnoses of Learning Disabilities in Children

The most significant question as to what are those 9 Incredible Diagnoses of Learning Disabilities in Children are is very thoroughly covered in this blog so before we dive into that arena, we need to, first, understand What Learning Disability is?

Learning disabilities also referred to as learning disorders, are a ‘blanket term’ for a wide-ranging variety of learning problems. A learning disability is an information-processing problem that hinders a person from learning a skill and using it effectively. 

Learning disabilities shouldn’t be confused with problems with intelligence or lack of motivation. Children with learning disabilities aren’t foolish or lazy. As a matter of fact, children with learning disabilities are as smart and as sharp as everyone else.

Children with learning disabilities perceive and understand things in a different manner. This can thus pose a problem in learning new information and skills and putting them to use. 

Learning disabilities involve problems with reading, writing, mathematics, reasoning, listening, and speaking.

What are the Symptoms of Learning Disabilities in Children?

There is no specific symptom checklist for learning disabilities in children. Signs and symptoms differ in severity and intensity for every child. 

Below mentioned are some of the prominent symptoms that unfurl as red flags for learning disabilities in children of different age groups. 

Symptoms of Learning Disabilities in Children aged 3-5 years 

  • Difficulty in pronouncing words
  • Difficulty in learning alphabets and numbers
  • Trouble following instructions and directions 
  • Trouble following learning routines
  • Slow learner
  • Difficulty in holding and gripping
  • Trouble to write or color within the lines
  • The trouble with tying shoelaces, buttons, zippers
small kid pours toy yellow spoon ful in cup. Games with products. Montessori technique. development of fine motor skills in children.

Symptoms of Learning Disabilities in Children aged 5-9 years

  • Difficulty in learning basic concepts
  • Slow in learning new skills
  • Difficulty in learning the association between letters and sounds
  • Confuses in similar-sounding words
  • Misspells and omits words 
  • Makes frequent errors while reading and writing
  • The problem in remembering sequences
  • Trouble memorizing things
Child thinking with question mark on blackboard

Symptoms of Learning Disabilities in Children aged 9-13 years

  • Lack of attention
  • Poor reading and writing skills
  • Illegible handwriting
  • Avoids reading aloud
  • Poor organizational skills
  • Trouble in understanding the concept of time
  • Trouble following classroom discussions and routine
  • Avoids expressing thoughts aloud
  • Spells the same word differently each time
  • Difficulty in academics
  • Difficulty in understanding abstract ideas
  • Misplaces belongings easily
  • The problem is remembering what has been told 
  • Working at a slow pace
  • Poor social skills
  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Difficulty in staying focused on a task

It is important to take into consideration that children who don’t suffer from learning disabilities may still experience some of the above-mentioned problems and difficulties as they grow up. 

It is an issue of concern when there are constant irregularities in the child’s ability to manage and control certain skills.

What are the Types of Learning Disabilities in Children?

There are various kinds of learning disabilities in children and they can affect children in different ways. Below mentioned are the main types of learning disabilities in children.

Dyslexia: Learning Disabilities in Reading

Dyslexia is a learning disability that highlights difficulty related to reading abilities. In this disorder, children face problems in basic reading and understanding tasks. Children have trouble understanding the relationship between sounds, letters, and words. Children also struggle with understanding the meaning of words, sentences, and paragraphs.


Children with reading difficulty may have a problem with the following skills:

  • Letter and word recognition
  • Spelling formation
  • General vocabulary skills
  • Reading at a normal pace
  • Reading speed and fluency
  • Understanding the read content
  • Retrieving the read content
  • Ability to draw conclusions based on the reading  

Dysgraphia: Learning Disabilities in Writing

Dysgraphia is a learning disability that highlights difficulty related to writing abilities. In this disorder, children face physical difficulty in writing or mentally grasping the information. Children have trouble putting thoughts into writing. 

Children with writing difficulty may have a problem with the following skills:

  • Writing speed and organization 
  • Neat and tidy handwriting
  • Spelling formation
  • Comprehending spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Consistency of spelling and writing
  • Exact copying letters and words
Bad Handwriting Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Dyscalculia: Learning Disabilities in Mathematics

Dyscalculia is a learning disability that highlights difficulty related to mathematical abilities. In this disorder, children face problems in basic understanding and organization of numbers and math symbols or operations. Children have trouble recognizing and memorizing numbers. Children also struggle with counting principles and telling accurate time on the clock.


Children with math difficulty may have a problem with the following skills:

Comprehension of numbers

Mathematical concepts and principles

Relationship between numbers and math symbols

Memorizing basic math operations and tables


Understanding word problems and mental math

Dyspraxia: Learning Disabilities in Motor Skills

Dyspraxia is a disability that highlights difficulty related to muscle control and motor skills. In this disorder, disruption can be in fine motor skills or gross motor skills. Children face problems with movement and coordination. Although dyspraxia is not specifically a learning ability, it often coexists with other learning disabilities.

Children with motor-skill difficulty may have a problem with the following skills:

  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Physical movement and activities
  • Gripping and holding things
  • Language difficulties
  • Speech difficulties
  • Sensitivity to light, smell, taste, or touch

Dysphasia/Aphasia: Learning Disabilities in Language

Dysphasia or Aphasia is a disability that highlights difficulty related to language and communication. In this disorder, children face problems in basic understanding or production of spoken language. 

Children with language difficulty may have a problem with the following skills:

  • Verbal and written language skills
  • Fluency of speech
  • Ability to express an idea
  • Ability to retell a story/incident
  • Comprehend words and sentences
  • Understand parts of speech/ communication
little girl reading a book in a library

Auditory Processing Disorder: Learning Disabilities in Processing of Sound

Auditory processing disorder is a disability that highlights difficulty related to the processing of sound. It is not caused by hearing impairment. In this disorder, children face problems in distinguishing slight differences in sound. Children have trouble in comprehending sound speed and intensity which can have a significant impact on learning.

Children with hearing processing difficulty may have a problem with the following skills:

  • Learning to read and write
  • Following spoken instructions or directions
  • Recall things they have heard
  • Differentiating between similar sounds 

Visual Processing Disorder: Learning Disabilities in Visual Perception

Visual processing disorder is a disability that highlights difficulty related to the processing of visual perception. It is not caused by visual impairment. In this disorder, children face problems in interpreting visual information. Children have trouble distinguishing slight differences in visuals which can have a significant impact on learning.

Children with visual processing difficulty may have a problem with the following skills:

  • Effect on fine and gross motor skills
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Learning to read and write
  • Following written instructions or directions
  • Recall things they have seen
  • Differentiating between similar-looking visuals
  • Misperception of depth and distance

Summary Table of Learning Disabilities in Children


What are the Causes of Learning Disabilities in Children?

Below listed are the significant causes that may have an influence on the development of learning disabilities in children.

  • Genetics and heredity: 

A family history of learning disabilities increases the possibility of a child developing the same disorders.

  • Prenatal and neonatal strain: 

Exposure to drugs or alcohol before a child is born, poor or abnormal growth of a fetus in the uterus, premature birth, extremely underweight newborn; all of these increase the likelihood of learning disabilities in children.

  • Physical ordeal: 

Neurological damage, infections, abnormal growth, head injuries may also result in the development of learning disabilities in children. 

  • Psychological anguish: 

Abuse in early childhood, death of a loved one, separation, or any kind of psychological trauma may have a significant effect on brain development and increase the probability of learning disabilities in children.

traumatized children concept. little girl sitting at the corner of the room feeling sad and lonely.
  • Environmental exposure: 

Exposure to excessive levels of toxins like mercury, lead, etc. is associated with the development of learning disabilities in children.

Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities in Children

If you suspect that your child is having a learning disability, it is essential to carry out early intervention and get your child evaluated for the same. 

Children possessing learning disabilities may also experience 

  • Low self-esteem
  • Low confidence
  • Loss of motivation
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Extreme distress
  • Fatigue  
  • Temperament issues
  • Hostility and aggression
  • Helplessness and vulnerable
  • Lack of attention
  • Speech problems

Depending on the problems your child is facing, it is necessary to seek professional help for an absolute diagnosis of learning disabilities. Consulting a professional psychologist, counselor or therapist can help to get down to the nitty-gritty of the problem the child is toiling.

9 Incredible Diagnoses of Learning Disabilities in Children.

Special education: 

It is the most common and effective treatment for learning disabilities in children. There are private schools and institutions that provide special services to children with learning disabilities that help them thrive in academics as well as other curricular activities and skills.

Young boy learning letters during a session with speech therapist

Counseling and Therapy: 

Children combating learning disabilities may benefit from counseling and therapy. It can help the children to build on their strengths and skills. Therapy can facilitate effective ways to compensate for their weaknesses.


At times, doctors may recommend medication to manage severe anxiety, depression, or hyperactivity issues that coexist with learning disabilities in some children. Medications help to mellow down excessive troubling symptoms and improve children’s ability to focus and concentrate in school and curricular activities.

Learning disabilities in children shouldn’t be considered as a stumbling block in the path of their success. With the right treatment, support system, and understanding, children can overcome learning disabilities and excel in school and beyond.

Some Parenting Tips

Happy family with kids sit on couch using laptop

The best thing you can do as a parent or caregiver is simply to be supportive, affectionate, and patient with your child in all circumstances. Below-given tips can help you understand and help your child better.


Educate yourself about your child’s learning disability and how it impacts the learning process. Seek treatments, services, and supportive programs available for the same. Play an active role in choosing the most effective treatment for your child.

Healthy lifestyle: 

It is very important for your child to have a healthy lifestyle in order to be mentally and physically fit. Make sure your child indulges in a balanced diet, gets plenty of sleep, and exercises on a daily basis.

Home preaching:

Even though the child seeks special education at school, you can come up with your own strategies, techniques, and plan to deal with your child’s learning disability and help the child to cope with his/her weaknesses and poor skills.

Foster the strengths: 

Even if children with learning disabilities have difficulty in one arena of learning, they may perform exceptionally well in others. Pay attention to your child’s strengths, interests, and passions. Cultivating strengths can help the child to overcome the troublesome areas as well.

Keep a tab on mood:

Learning disabilities in children can hamper their self-esteem as well. Pay attention to symptoms of anxiety, depression, mood swings, loss of interest and enthusiasm, changes in sleep and appetite. Take efforts in keeping them calm and patient.

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